An appeal to support the club through COVID-19

Dear Friends and Members of Hambledon Cricket Club,

We hope this post finds you all well in these difficult times.

Sadly, it is becoming unlikely that we will see any club cricket played this summer and as a result we have decided not to request a membership fee from players and social members this year. Membership fees, bar takings, sponsorship and donations form the basis of our income during a season. However, despite us not receiving any significant income this year we will still have some major fixed costs to pay (insurance £4k, ground maintenance £3.5k etc).  As you might expect we are seeking for a better deal on our insurance and pursuing local authority and national sporting bodies COVID-19 grants.

However, we still need further financial support to help sustain cricket at Hambledon for a future without COVID-19. We traditionally run 3 Saturday adult league teams; Sunday and midweek friendlies; and we currently have over 150 girls and boys aged between 5 and 17 playing cricket every week throughout the summer at Hambledon. All this relies on our many stalwart coaches and managers, but also the funds to pay for the running of the club. So we are launching a funding/donation campaign to see the “Dons” through this unprecedented pandemic. Please help this very special club to ensure its future and provide cricket for all ages for many years to come.

If you are in a position to make a donation to the Club for this summer instead of your membership, we would be very thankful. Please make your donation to:

Account name            Hambledon CC
Sort code                    30-99-20 (Lloyds)
Account number        00171487
Please put your name and “Donation” in the reference.

or cheques payable to Hambledon CC can be sent to Mark Le-Clercq at 18 Woodrow, Denmead PO7 6YW.

Yours in Cricket,

Mark Le-Clercq
Chairman, Hambledon Cricket Club

P.S. Just to confirm that we have recently been able to open the nets at Ridge Meadow for one-to-one training/practice, but please can you make sure that we abide by the ECB guidelines: i.e. keep 2 metres distance, do not share equipment, wash hands before and after practice, etc.