Membership and Subscriptions

Add and manage membership(s)

Adult Memberships

Adult memberships are available to members aged 18 and over.

Adult Men

£150 per member
£90 for half-season membership

Adult Women

£50 per member

Under 21 Student

£95 per member
£50 for half-season membership

Junior Memberships

Junior memberships are available to members aged up to and including 21, and must be registered by a parent or guardian. Those aged 18-21 may be registered here as a junior (to take advantage of family discounts), or as a student member in the Adult memberships.

Under 7 Boys and Girls

£50 per member*

Under 9 to Under 15 Boys and Girls

£95 per member*

Under 8 to Under 14 Girls Softball

£75 per member*

Under 16 to Under 21 Student

£95 per member*
£50 for half-season membership

* There is a £30 reduction for the second (or further) memberships in any of these categories where there are sibling members aged up to (and including) 21.

Concessionary Rates

We will consider special financial circumstances on a case-by-case basis on application to the club.

Social Membership

The membership fee includes a fee of £10 per player to give social membership of the club to the member and their family. This entitles use of the clubhouse and its facilities at matches and training sessions. The funds help secure the Club’s future development and enable us to improve both the facilities at Ridge Meadow and the opportunities available to our membership.

Social membership is also available separately at a cost of £20 (or other optional donation amount). Please go to the Add Memberships page and choose the Social option.

We also encourage the whole family to participate in the various social events that will be organised during the 2023 Season.

Membership Fees are payable by 1 May, and include all training and match fees.