By popular demand, the Fantasy League is back for the 2024 season, and it’s better than ever!
It’s had an overhaul since last time it was run. The biggest change is that you now choose a squad of 15 players, giving you the ability to fine-tune your playing XI throughout the season, based on form, availability or gut feeling. This is designed to add a more tactical aspect, and to maintain interest in the competition through the summer.
There will also be a transfer window halfway through the season, where you will be able to make up to 5 changes to your squad of 15.
Player pricing has been set on a combination of statistics, based on performance last season, and predictions for 2024. Please let me know before entries open if you’re not on the list of available players but think you’re likely to play more than a few league games this season and would like to be included.
It costs £5 to enter a team, and you can enter more than one team if you wish.
Entries will open on Sunday 21 April.