The Hambledon CC Tour 2024 is going to go ahead (assuming it eventually stops raining!) and we are only a few short of the ideal number of 16/17 players.
As a reminder, the tour is planned for the end of July/first week in August, with fixtures already arranged for 29th, 30th, 31st July, 1st August. We need deposits to pay upfront for accommodation, match fees and ground hire, so any interest needs to be confirmed with a deposit into the club bank account. Even if you cannot pay immediately, please can you let Jamie know your intentions so he can get an idea of numbers.
The deposit is £50 into the club account below:
Account name: Hambledon Cricket Club
Account number: 00171487
Sort code: 30-99-20 (Lloyds Bank)
Reference: "Tour" + your name
A few players have mentioned attending part of the tour rather than the full four days. That is fine but please pay the deposit to confirm your place and then a reduced rate will be agreed depending on the number of days you are joining for. You also need to let Jamie know the days you are attending so that he can include you in the playing XI for those days.
Please get in touch with tour manager Jamie Lewis if you have any questions.