UPDATE: we have secured an extra adult session on Sunday 19 February, 2-3:30pm, for adult playing members. U15s are also welcome, although there will be no separate U15 session, but will be mixed in with the adult nets.
Indoor training starts on Sunday 15 January, at Crookhorn College, Stakes Hill Road, Waterlooville PO7 5UD.
New players are welcome!
Under 9 (Years 3 & 4), Under 11 (Years 5 & 6), Under 13 (Years 7 & 8)
Sundays on Jan 15 & 29, Feb 26, Mar 12 & 26
12.30pm to 2.00pm
Adults & Under 15 (Years 9 & 10)
Sundays on Jan 15 & 29, Feb 19 & 26, Mar 12 & 26
2.00pm to 3.30pm
Because of potential uncertainty about these net sessions with the Pandemic still around, there will be no scheme this year to pay in advance for all the sessions. The cost for youth coaching sessions will be £4 per session payable on the day. PLEASE BRING CASH. To allow us to plan sessions please let the Youth Co-ordinator, Theresa Pratt, know on [email protected] if you intend to come along to a session in the week before.
- Seniors will pay £5 per player per session. Pay on the day.
- U15s will pay £4 per player per session. Pay on the day.
U11, U13, U15 - Please make sure you bring all of your cricket equipment to each session as per list: Bat, pads, gloves, box, helmet and correct sized cricket ball to bowl with. Whites are optional for indoor training. Please note trainers must have a non-marking sole and preferably not black.
U15s & Seniors (Men and Women) are training at the same time. However, U15 training will be undertaken separately. Those U15s who are seeking to play senior cricket this summer are welcome to join the seniors in the nets.