Now we have started up cricket training for our youngsters, we are delighted to announce that we are also starting a girls section at Hambledon Cricket Club. This will be led by Jenna McFadzean, a qualified cricket coach and Sports Teacher at PGS. This will be a great opportunity for the girls to play cricket amongst themselves, without the boys in the way! So, if you have a daughter, sister, aunt, cousin or niece who is in School Year 5 through to School Year 8, you will be very welcome to join in. So will their friends! The arrangements are as follows:
- Friday 10 July – Year 5 to Year 8: 6:00-7:30pm
Led by Jenna McFadzean
Numbers have to be limited because of the rules over Covid 19, so please email [email protected] to book a space. The coaches will be making every endeavour to ensure everyone gets a fair share of the slots over the next weeks. Here are a few points for guidance:
- Please do not turn up on the evening without booking a space
- All girls should come changed ready in training kit, tee shirts and tracksuit bottoms or similar. The changing rooms will not be in use
- Each girl should bring their own cricket ball with them, and use only that ball. Cricket balls can be borrowed from the clubhouse, should you not have one
- Please can parents be prepared to assist the coaches to run the sessions safely
- Toilets are available, there will be a one way system through the clubhouse
- Suitable cleaning arrangements have been put in place, but please bring some hand sanitiser with you
- Simple bar arrangements are in place and the Hambledon Blue kit will be on sale most evenings as well
Many of you have very kindly made a donation to the club to help us through this most unusual of summers. There will be no charges for these training sessions, but if you attend, it would be much appreciated if you can make a donation to the club, if you haven’t already.
So, please book a slot for a training session, please be patient if you can’t attend every week, and we look forward to seeing you soon, starting this Friday.
Theresa Pratt
Colts Co-ordinator